I own a Celeron 500 with a G200 video card, which is a quite slow hardware to run Glidos version of TR at full speed (30 FPS). Many times the frame rate drops down to 15 FPS or even less, so I've tried a tricky method to improve this performance: remove OpenGlide version of glide2x.dll and place native 3dfx version in Glidos directory (of course I have a voodoo card installed on my system, a 12 Mb Diamond Monster Voodoo2).
Surprisingly (or not), Glidos will load TR with success, although cinematics are not available (black screen instead). After pressing ESC key twice, the splash logo of 3dfx appears and TR main menu is shown without any graphical glitches (text is corrupted when using G200's OpenGL ICD). I can start a new game, load a saved game, etc, and TR runs smoothly at 800x600 fullscreen mode, with a stable framerate of 30 FPS.
Glidos 1 5 Full Version 50
Download File: https://bliztorgoldbo.blogspot.com/?file=2vFisH
So, where is the trouble? I can't exit to the options/save/load menu after the game is started: it locks with an invalid page fault on glidos.exe, whenever I press ESC, F5 or F6 keys. I don't know whether this is a Glidos error or not, but I have read somewhere on this forum that Glidos code is written to support any good Glide wrapper (not only OpenGlide), and 3dfx glide2x.dll should be a better implementation of Glide than any existing wrapper, I think.
Great! That's not quite fully working though. You will notice that the background to the menu is black, rather than a darkened copy of the last game frame. This is because I have disabled logical frame buffer reads. There must have been a bug in that call. I'll look into that.
But look at what I've discovered: running Voodoo Rush version of Tomb.exe directly, with Voodoo2-specific environment variables setup (SET SST_TMUMEM_SIZE=2, and so on) also crashes the game at the same point, and Tomb.exe exists with the message "ERROR: couldn't lock 3dfx frame buffer". However, Voodoo Graphics version of Tomb.exe runs perfectly, without any crashes (but at 640x480 fixed resolution). Both versions using latest 3dfx's Glide2x.ovl for Voodoo2.
This experiment with Tomb3dfx via Glidos sounds strange. It might be that Glidos isn't actually being used in this case. I think that version drives your card directly. But then I don't know why you'd get strange colors. You could try removing the VESASupport line from the Glidos.ini file.
Now there are 2 other troubles with the game.1) Music and Digital sound diagnostics is failing. "SPAWN ERROR" or no sound at all.2) Crash at startup:C:\EF2000>ef2000.exeGFX+ 3DFX version 7.13Found 47,692K bytes of memoryclamp: no file `.\3\paul.3` - Solved. Delete the files clamp*.* in the game dir.
The small G-protein Rab11A is conserved in eukaryotes and it has been shown to play a key role in regulating trafficking of certain plasma membrane receptors through recycling endosomes [15]. In addition, Rab11A has been demonstrated to be required for delivering plasma membrane to the cleavage furrow in animal cells [16],[17] and to be localised at the division plane of plant cells [18], indicating a conserved function during cell division. Apicomplexan Rab11A was first described in P. falciparum [19] and subsequently shown to be expressed in asexual blood stage parasites [20]. Rab11A was also found to be associated with the rhoptries of Toxoplasma [21] and we recently demonstrated that expression of a dominant negative version of Rab11A in T. gondii is deleterious for the parasite resulting in reduced growth [22].
Having established that rab11a is an essential gene in P. berghei, to gain further insights into potential Rab11A functions we decided to characterise loss of function phenotypes and turned to the ddFKBP-system to induce expression of different versions of Rab11A in T. gondii [22]. During the delivery of vesicular material from a donor- to an acceptor-membrane Rabs switch from a GTP-bound to a GDP-bound form via GTP-hydrolysis that is activated by a rabGAP [38]. To analyse Rab11A function we therefore, generated different expression vectors and a dominant-negative (GDP-locked) version harbouring a point mutation in the GTPase domain (N126I). Since expression of N126I has been demonstrated to be deleterious for the parasite, we placed both Rab11Awt and Rab11A(N126I) under control of an N-terminal ddFKBP-myc-tag (in the following only mentioned as ddFKBP), which allows regulation of recombinant protein levels by the inducer Shield-1 (Shld-1) [22]. In addition, we generated parasites expressing mCherry-tagged versions of Rab11A combined with ddFKBP. We confirmed that neither the addition of N-terminal ddFKBP, nor that of mCherry had an influence on the location of Rab11A (data not shown). In absence of the inducer Shld-1 ddFKBP-mCherry tagged wild type Rab11A is rapidly degraded and only a weak background fluorescence can be detected that co-localises with the rhoptry protein 5 (Figure 4A), confirming the established rhoptry location of Rab11A within Toxoplasma [21]. Addition of Shld-1 results in stabilisation of the respective ddFKBP-tagged construct and under these conditions we found that Rab11A levels accumulate and can now be readily observed at other compartments distinct from the rhoptries (Figure 4A and 4B) that showed partial co-localisation with the propeptide of the MIC2 associated protein (M2AP), a marker for endosome-associated compartments [39]. We confirmed that over expression of Rab11Awt did not result in a detectable phenotype (data not shown).
During normal Toxoplasma-endodyogeny the plasmalemma invaginates around daughters and vesicle fusion occurs between the forming IMCs resulting in two fully formed tachyzoites attached to the residual body by their posterior end (Figure 7Aa). Upon loss of Rab11A function vesicle fusion appears disrupted and the IMCs of newly formed daughters are separated due to their irregular folding (Figure 7Ab and 7Ad), resulting in incomplete daughter separation that gives tachyzoites still fused along their lateral surface (Figure 7Ac).
Even games using older versions of DirectDraw or Direct3D can benefit from wrappers, since those interfaces may not even work properly on newer systems. Wrappers can even enable various overrides and enhancements, such as ReShade. 2ff7e9595c