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Heptones Book of Rules Lyrics: Analysis and Interpretation of the Reggae Anthem


Get lyrics of King sounds book of rules lyrics song you love. List contains King sounds book of rules lyrics song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).

Llewellyn's version, as scripted on the reverse side of their album, The Heptones Instrumental Classics, seems a bit more intelligible, as it spoke about, 'Princesses and Kings in clown-clad, capers in sawdust rings, while common people like you and me, we'll be builders for eternity, each is given a bag of tools, a shapeless mask and a book of rules'.

heptones book of rules lyrics

After carefully examining Llewellyn's lyrics, we were led to paraphrase: 'It is strange how Princesses and Kings can jump or run about playfully (caper), like clowns in a circus, while common people like you and me, have to be toiling for eternity, with very little resources - a bag of tools, a shapeless mass, and a book of rules'. The unintelligible utterances of The Book of Rules, continued in the second stanza: 'Each must make his life as flowing in tumbling block or a stepping stone', which we unravelled as, 'each one should make, before life has flown, a stumbling block or a stepping stone'. The third stanza 'Look when the rain has fallen from the skies, you know the sun will be only missing for a while', along with the common refrain, 'While common people like you and me' etc., completes the recording.

Isn't it strange how princesses and kingsIn clown-ragged capers in sawdust ringsWhile common people like you and meWe'll be builders for eternityEach is given a bag of toolsA shapeless mass and the book of rules

Each must make his life as flowing inTumbling block on a stepping stoneWhile common people like you and meWe'll be builders for eternityEach is given a bag of toolsA shapeless mass and the book of rules

Look when the rain has fallen from the skyYou know the sun will be only with us for a whileWhile common people like you and meWe'll be builders for eternityEach is given a bag of toolsA shapeless mass and the book of rules

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